The President, the police commissioner, the head of NSIS and the AG should resign if they cannot enforce the Kenyan law and provide security to Kenyans. The president has an obligation to protect every Kenyan citizen. Of what good is it to have a president who buries his head in the sand as ODM openly promises to unleashed violence on Kenyan citizens?

Whereas I understand that the president has no powers to introduce charges against suspected criminals, the president still has an obligation to ensure that those charged with the duty are carry out that duty without favor. Our constitution gives the police powers to arrest and act to prevent a crime. Section 26 of our constitution gives the Attorney General powers to introduce charges, take over an criminal case introduced by private parties, and drop any charges introduced by him of private entities.

The National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) was in place years before this genocide. The agency was there was Raila Odinga was inspecting a guard of honor mounted by the Kalenjin militia. The agency’s website boldly claims that it “has a mandate to identify threats against the security of Kenya, collect and analyze intelligence on these threats, and advise the Government accordingly through appropriate intelligence reports.” If indeed this is their solemn duty, then they failed. More that 1,000 Kenyans have been killed in the most brutal manner; thousands are nursing physical and psychological wounds; thousands of houses have been reduced into ashes; and millions of Kenyans live in refugee camps. Above all our country is no longer one of Africa’s power houses; we are now a travesty of a state! All this happened under the “watchful” eye of Maj. Gen. Michael Gichangi and his army of officers who enjoy an annual budget of over Sh4 billion.

It is interesting to note that the NSIS has no clue of what is going on in the country yet journalists predict events before they even happen. Long before Burnt Forest was attacked, I read a report on the Nation (I am trying to trace the link) that thousands of armed raiders were heading to burnt forest. There was a massacre a few hours later. The Telegraph recently published a story with details about a Kalenjin army. One Mr Cheserek told the journalists “We are waiting the results of Mr Annan’s talks, but if they do not go well, we will make sure there is not one Kikuyu left in the Rift Valley.”
Cheserek’s warning is similar to that given

With all that information available to newspaper readers like me, the NSIS is yet to use its resources to get to the bottom of the massacres.
On his part, Attorney General Amos Wako is operating as if business as usual. Amos Wako was in office during the ethnic cleansing of 1992 and 1997. Amos Wako cannot point to a single case he prosecuted. The 1992 and 1997

Since the Attorney General has failed to do his work as mandated by the constitution, the president owes it to the Kenyan people to set up a tribunal of judges to review if or not the AG should resign or be fired. Failure to do this, the president will have failed to use his powers to the benefit of Kenyan citizens.
A president that serves his own

The UK cannot share power with Osama bin Laden and institute Osama's version of Sharia Law to guarantee the safety of her citizens. Why should they push William Ruto, Raila Odinga, Najib Balala and others down our throats yet the so-called pentagon has said that it committed to “reducing them (the Kikuyu) to an island like Lesotho?” Why didn’t the civilized world bow to Slobodan Milosevic’s demands?
Ruto et al planned these clashes when:
1. Kibaki was the president
2. Njenga was the minister for defense
3. Michuki was the minister of state in charge of internal security
4. Maj. Gen. Michael Gichangi was the director of NSIS
5. Simon Karaja headed the CID
6. Mathew Iteere was Commandant GSU
7. Gilbert Gitonga was head of Air Wing
Ruto et al should be hanged for their crimes but the above people failed the president and the Kenyan people.
This article has hit the nail on the head - excellent for saying just what I have been wanting to say. IT IS ABSOLUTELY PAINFUL TO SEE THE MASTERMINDS OF THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION BEING REWARDED FOR THEIR CRIMES.
Amos Wako should go now - he has been a stumbling block to justice in Kenya for too long. This is one big enemy of Kenya who many do not seem to note. Kibaki must apply the powers entrusted on him as president or resign.
What a great analysis. This is the truth and nothing but the truth. I have been proud of President Kibaki but I am starting to doubt his capability of leading our country. If he cannot protect Kenyan citizens, and lead the way of making sure war criminals are brought to justice, he is no good for the country. I think Kenya may be better of without both Raila and Kibaki. President Kibaki should resign if he unable to handle the likes of Raila and Ruto. No wonder they have no respect for him and the millions of who support him. I agree Kibaki and his system has let Kenyans down. I am really disappointed.
To my mind this artcile is fully true, and heis really to act or resign, cause we can stand it no longer. He totally ruined and destroyed our country. His decisions are totally corrupted and he is doing nothing but takeing money for his decisions. You can check lates news here:> .
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